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Requesting a quest.


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D.C. Chronicles is my favorite Fallout 3 Machinima. But at the moment its on Hold. While thinking about the series I came apon the idea of making a D.C. Chronicles Quest.


It would follow the series and would have to be liner. But and experience modder might be able to make a fun advernture out of it. They don't have to follow the story exactlty as it is in the shows, and could change it a little bit the apply more the the character's player. They could also put in a could side quests to add at little bit more to it.


I don't know how many people would want to do this but if your curious as to how it might look I suggest looking at the D.C. Chronicles on youtube. If anyone would want to do this it would probably be best to first ask for permission from Drakortha, the creator of the series.


Hope some good modder takes a liking to this ideaer.

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