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GECK script: Demands Messagebox variable, why?


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I'm making a little script which grants perks based on ability.

It's freely based on an existing mod "Skill based perks" (but then for DLC).


When reaching a certain (skill) level, the script grants a perk and gives the player a message through the messagebox.

But for some reason GECK want me to add a variable (sometimes two) to the messagebox. It also thinks the message is a script.


I'm using the latest GECK and the beta GECK Power 14 (to see why my script wouldn't save).


Here's the code:

ScriptName XSpecialPerksHHSCRIPT

int xLEVEL

int xGUNS

begin GameMode

set xLEVEL to player.GetLevel

set xGUNS to player.GetPermAV Guns
set xEXPLOSIVES to player.GetPermAV Explosives
set xSURVIVAL to player.GetPermAV Survival


if xLEVEL >= 9

	if xGUNS >= 54
		if xEXPLOSIVES >= 24
			if player.HasPerk NVDLC02Grunt == 0
				player.AddPerk NVDLC02Grunt
				ShowMessage XSpecialPerksHHMSG001
	elseif xSURVIVAL >= 84
		if player.HasPerk NVDLC02HomeOnTheRange == 0
				player.AddPerk NVDLC02HomeOnTheRange
				ShowMessage XSpecialPerksHHMSG002
		elseif player.HasPerk NVDLC02TribalWisdom == 0
				player.AddPerk NVDLC02TribalWisdom
				ShowMessage XSpecialPerksHHMSG003




And here's a screenshot of the GECK with the error: Here

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Open your MessageBox. Look for a % delete the entire series of characters between that and the next space. Do this for all message boxes. Edited by Glenstorm
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Open your MessageBox. Look for a % delete the entire series of characters between that and the next space. Do this for all message boxes.

Thanks! That was the problem indeed!

Sort of makes sense now I think of it :)


Problem solved!

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