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CK Crashes after loading Skyrim.esm and Update.esm


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So I am trying to start making mods for myself and I hit a wall immediately. No matter how many times I reinstall Skyrim and the CK or verify their caches, the CK crashes after I try to load Skyrim.esm and Update.esm. I've asked around and I can't seem to get any help beyond people telling me to try these initial steps. I tell them I knew to do these things and then that's usually the last I hear from them, until someone else comes and does the same thing. What I'm getting at is, I would really appreciate some new input. What I have gotten so far is not helpful, and I'm pretty disheartened by the fact that the default fresh installations of both Skyrim and the CK still result in a crash after it finishes loading everything. It usually lasts 2-3 seconds after it loads before it crashes. So, I really can't make any mods like this and would appreciate any help I can get.

Edited by masani23
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I had the same problem and turning off my AVG Antivirus program fixed the issue. If you don't want to turn AVG off completely you can add an exception for the creation kit executable.

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