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Fear is natural...Right?


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Hmmm...You made me realise something!


" If you can't defeat them... Join them..."


I can start thinking that bugs,eels,snailes (srry for english) not my enemies, but my friends.Helping me lvl up in games by killing them, in real life to thank them for eating all those little pests and try to reason with them and live with them cuz they are a part of a world. :)




It depends a bit on where you live-in Australia and Brazil there's a few species of Spider that are genuinely dangerous, but those are easy to recognise-Black Widows have a huge black stripe down their back, Banana Spiders have yellow-brown bodies and reddish fang-armour(Chelicerae, they're the things between the set of Forelimbs(pedipalps) on the image I posted) and both can be avoided by not sticking your hand under old tyres, plant pots, and other outdoor furniture with a small, and very dark gap under them(Black Widows) or not going to Brazil (Banana Spider)


The vast majority of scary spiders are totaly harmless:


Wolf Spiders are greyish mottled brown and scitter about on hairy, thickish legs. These are probably the best natural pest control around for killing roaches, which are their natural prey. These are found globaly, and while their venom isn't powerful enough to harm even a small pet mammal, they rarely use it, instead preffering to simply flee, something they're notoriously good at, being able to run incredibly fast and slip through tiny gaps. They also have incredible vision, better than a human's especialy so after dark due to their large, catlike eyes.




Wolf Spider: Eyes of a hawk, speed of a cheetah, fangs of a tiger.


Orb-Weavers are also found globaly (also very very common) and are an excellent way to look after and foster an Organic garden. Docile, gentle creatures that spend their life in their yellow-tinted webs which typicaly are built in areas with high airflow and a chokepoint. They feed on flies, moths, and other flying insects. Their venom is fairly potent, but they don't bite, and are extremely timid and easily frightened. They are also virtualy blind.




Golden Orb Spider, the gardener's best friend.


Jumping Spiders are my favorite genus, and are the most common variety of spider in the world. These tiny, fingernail sized, brightly colourful little darlings are bold, curious, and very fast moving, but also a little mischevious. Capable as well a as cute, these like Wolf Spiders don't make webs, instead hunting around for prey. They are very fast, have eyesight about equal to a human or better, and when prey is sighted, they perform massive, flea-like leaps to pounce onto it. They also eat fruitflies. Gentle, totaly harmless, and genuinely indearing.




A massiely magnified view of an Adumbratis Jumping Spider, in real life it would be about the size of your finger nail or smaller. They're hardly camerashy, it's one of the defining characteristics of these spiders that they're curious, and tend to like to take a long look at something when they see it.


They are also famous for being smart, the world's smartest spider, Potia Fimbriata comes from this genus, a spider known for using tools and adapting stratergy on trial and error to best tackle it's foe based on a vast ability to remember tactics and stratergies that it might employ. Also known to observe new prey types before engaging, sometimes for hours.


Dude im not from that part of the world :) Im from Serbia. We here don't have any spider except regular tiny skinny spiders ;). Spiders are not my worry! But thanx for the info :).


Ohhh btw i had a fight with a cockroach last night and i killed it! :D... I was like all pissed of cuz i failed at duel at WoW and then i turned that rage on a cockroach and stomped on her like a champ :D ! Hehe... But then i saw a bug ... That i never saw before it was big,green and it had some tiny legs i was like O.o *slowly walking to the door*...


But meh some things are meant to be...My mom killed that bug shes not afraid of anything :-/ But i am -.-

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