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How to make a texture visible even under stealth effect?


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So many mods have weapons that I'd love to use, but are actually all but useless to me due to the fact that I mostly roll with stealth fields. I'd like to change that.


I know it's possible to have something that's visible even after a stealth field; There's a KAC PDW model in the Book of Earache whose Aimpoint scope has a laser dot that remains visible even when I'm stealthed. But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to replicate the effect on a different mesh; I can only replicate the effect if I copy the entire laser dot block.


I've tried copying the NiStringExtraData from the node; I've tried duplicating the NiStencilProperty data. I've tried duplicating the NiAlphaProperty values, and the NiMaterialProperty values, I've tried dthe works... The only thing that's worked is if I paste the laser dot in its entirety; everything else I've tried, I either get no difference, or the weapon crashes the game as soon as I put the Pipboy down. So I turn to you, modders who've been doing this longer than I have; how can I pull this off?


I'm leery about attaching the model file for examination; I don't actually know who it belongs to, and I don't know if it's available legitimately elsewhere; Compounding this is the fact that I know the guy who released the Book of Earache took some models without permission and got banned for it, and I'm not sure which ones.

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