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Missing portions of rooms in "The Kings" and "Brotherhood of Steel Bunker"


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Open The Kings front door and have a grayed-out space for about first third of the room; can see a number of NPCs distributed in different rooms (e.g., can see the King sitting in the locked room). If move forward eventually appear to stand on floor near front desk (seems to require more steps to get there then when room was intact). None of the furniture, walls, floor, ceiling, desk, etc., is visible until move far enough for it to become visible. Go through door to see the King and same type of grayed-out space until get next to The King. Same thing happens when enter the Brotherhood of Steel bunker to go down first set of stairs leading to Security and when go into library area.


Google revealed that drbiggs iconGames.pngMar 26, 2015 @ 8:33am reported the same problem {https://steamcommunity.com/app/22380/discussions/0/611701999519910466/] and apparently did not find a solution.


I downloaded all new FNV files from Steam in April of this year and essentially rebuilt my existing June, 2015 modded game with any new updates of the mods. Did not have this problem with any of my previous FNV modded games.


Please help if you can.

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Do you have ArchiveInvalidation (BSA Redirection) active?


Do you have more than 130 mod plugins (EMS & ESP) active? If so, how many?


One of those two is usually the problem with such issues in vanilla areas of the game.


Do you have any mods that affect either of those areas of the game?



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Thank you very much for responding to my cry for help.

Use FOMM with Archive Invalidation and have done so for years without seeing this problem. Did remove and re-apply Archive Invalidation for what it's worth (no help). Currently have 128 active plugins. I believe I read that FNV will tolerate up to 140 plugins; I know that if you exceed the allowed number you get a warning to that effect.


This is a new game; I think I will have to rebuild FNV before I'm finished, but will try removing plugins first.

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Correct: the warning pops when you exceed 139 mods, but that's hard-coded. You can have problems before then. But you should be fine with 128.


On the other hand, perhaps your graphics system is overtaxed so dropping a couple as a test might make a difference. Dropping your texture quality or screen resolution are ways to tell if it is related to your hardware. If so, increasing your "swap/page file" size is about all you can do short of a new graphics card.


Other than a mod conflict, I don't know of much else you can check for this particular issue. However, be aware that ArchiveInvalidation is sensitive to the date/timestamps of the BSA files. They have to be older than those of any loose files replacing those contained in them. I have had a couple of instances lately where LOOT has given two files essentially the same date/time stamp (within seconds of each other) which caused "master before dependent" problems. Plugin sorting shouldn't affect textures, but it's something to look out for. (You are using LOOT I assume?)


This is essentially a "cell change" issue, so here are my notes on that subject:


* Issue: CTD on interior/exterior/"fast travel" cell change.


Cause1: Most importantly, completely disable all manner of autosaves in the game options. Most crashes on cell-change are caused by the autosave feature choking because it's trying to write data into a save it corrupted the last time you changed cells. Auto-saves are dangerous because they are seldom able to tell when the game is in the middle of doing something else critical. [CASM] and [CASM with MCM] attempt to provide more control over such situations. They are better than the built-in mechanism, but don't rely upon any auto-save exclusively. Manual "full saves" are still safest.


Cause2: Crashes on cell transition will happen more often the more mods you have that affect NPC's & levelled lists. You can't run different mods like that, reliably, without a "bashed" or "merged" patch.

See "this post" for my general troubleshooting suggestions. Perhaps something will "ring a bell".



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