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constant erratic freezing via activating pipboy, scanning over an enemy with loot while moving, ironsights and moving


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basically if I do any of those kinds of things the game decides it'd like to freeze and just laugh at me, it's not all the time, and it seems to happen more when I have like 20 bodies piled up in one particular area rather than 20 scattered over an area, it does it regardless of my graphical settings as well

it's almost as if *actions* trigger the freeze, rather than the game itself doing anything, if I sit and watch things like it's a movie all manner of things can occur without issue, but if I try to move and loot a thing as I'm walking backwards slowly it decides to freeze sometimes, sometimes not (you know, like when I scan over a corpse and find a bottle cap and press E, sometimes it'll freeze)

also when reloading I think, it's not every time, but it's ... bad, I use 5 minute autosave and it happens more before the 5 minutes ticks past often enough

Nvidia GTX960
Driver - 353.14
played vanilla just fine with almost no issues while on ultra

I'm using a hotkey script to retool it for bullet time mod, I've got increased spawns so there's a lot more guys around, I literally have a swath of bodies covering the floor in corvega
but the odd thing is it only occurs SLIGHTLY more with tons of bodies like that (it's quite ludicrous too how many there are)
I'm using timed autosave
raider overhaul, wasteland grunts, raider overhaul
arbitration combat improvements
cse - war of the commonwealth (scripted variant of cse)
dialogue (but I had this problem before I had this mod)
better interiors
stalker lights preset
fr4nsson's light tweaks
f4script extender +
hotkey script - for bullet time mod purposes (I wanted to put Q as bullet time and X as VATS and the game's hardcoded to disallow this so an external script fools it into thining Q is = and X is Q etc)

Edited by tartarsauce2
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