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Can I get some scripting help?


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I am semi-competent with modding and the toolset, but scripting is not my thing, can any of the scripters help me make a script for spells to just not someone in the air, I have some knockback effects, but I want the spell to sent them straight up, not backwards. Any help would be appreciated.
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SetVerticalVelocity X

This, I do not recognize as a standard-synthax. May I assume it to be... OBSE?


As for vanilla, you would just use;

scn FlyUpwardScript

ref Self

begin OnScriptEffectStart
set Self to GetSelf
Self.pushactoraway Self 100


The number '100' could be anything, as long as it is a positive number. Negative effect will drive him in the ground.


100 Might be a bit high. Unless you were aiming for that.

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I need some help, I am trying to add the spell via console, but I am always getting errors; I created the script perfectly and I don't know what I am doing wrong.


Scn VerticalAdventure

ref self

begin scripteffectstart
set Self to GetSelf
    	     Self.pushactoraway Self 100


I create the spell without complications as well, but whenever type in player.addspell 01000EDB It gives me errors

Edited by Ringmonkey84
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The first two digits represent the load order of your mod. The CS told you it was "01" because in the CS, you only had Oblivion.esm (00) and your mod (01) loaded at the time.


If you use OBMM, you can just mouseover your mod on the list and it'll tell you. If you use Wrye Bash, right-click on an empty spot and select "List mods".

Edited by fg109
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