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Trying to change the Stealth Suit MKII's voice files


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Exactly what the title says, I'm trying to change the files to a more....different version, but I'm having trouble changing the files.


How am I supposed to do this? Google and the GECK wikia have been amazingly unhelpful.

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The easiest way would be to extract them from the BSA to get the path and then just overwrite them with a new different file, but with the same name. It might need to be about the same length as well, but probably not, though keeping it close is highly recommended.


I'm not at my fallout computer, but I would guess they're located in the sound/fx/ something related to stealth suit folder. Just look around until you find it. Alternatively, if you use the FoMM BSA extractor, then you can search the archive for a related file. Hope that helps.

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