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Weapon Animation Question


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Alright so simple question, I have a gun I want to holster on my hip and still use the 2hand Rifle fire.

So my question is this, can you make new weapon animation types, or is there anyway to work that out?


I really do not know much about makeing/working with weapons and I couldnt find a definite answer on any of the forums.

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We can make new reload animations, but weapon animations? Hmmm... I do remember that there was a plugin for OBSE that'd let you modify .nif files on-the-go, through scripts. Maybe if something like that is implemented for NVSE, we could have more than one animation type on the same weapon.
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Yeah I have no idea what the holster animations are, I thought there was just one of each animation set?

Where is this book of earache so I can take a look at it?

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