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A Lady with a pale gorgeous Beard...-WAIT WHAT?!


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(SOLVED, thank you people. :))


As the image bellow tells us:

This lady obviously has a pale beard around her mouth. As if she had a tan and at the time she had that tan she wore a kind of "Van Dyke" beard.

I tried removing this pale beard by throwing around with the beard and mustache sliders in the tone options of 'showracemenu', but to no avail.

And now that we're at it: Why would a woman even have beard/mustache sliders?!


Anyways enough of my rant.

I was wondering if there was a way to improve the facial textures somehow to reduce the facial hair tone options?




Edited by SiniVII
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Ah yes this has been a issues since Oblivion, they have a beard slider because they wanted males to have a "beard"... since the char gen is the same for both genders females get it as well.


Fixing it, well really the only good way to fix it is through careful editing of the face you want in Geck.

Try to never touch the beard/flush/pale sliders, ever... And only do the tan/pale skin slider if you really have to or you will end up getting this issues.


Everyone has this to some degree, its all about the face in geck and the lighting in the game.


If your really haveing a hard time I suggest this mod, deathknowz has given a great base for females to work with.



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Thank you very much for the reply.

I will try out the mod you linked, I also managed to remove the beard slightly by editing the tone sliders but as you said it sticked to some degree.

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That reminds me almost too much of something that happened using a body modifier that gave females a bit more...bounce. One of the Freeside locals spawned with what I swore was a beard, and a male voice. I looked a bit closer, and the beard was a shadow from the lighting in Freeside, and the voice is just one of the female wastelander voices. :x A bit unnerving, either way.
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