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One-handed pistol animations (with added bonuses?)


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As a 3rd person player myself I would like to see a mod that changes the animation for pistols/guns to one-handed use for more badassery. It could work as a quick draw option where you draw your gun faster and shoots the first couple of rounds with one hand before switching to both hands with added precision (if you've ever played Watch Dogs you know what I mean). Or it could be switched on and off with a hotkey. This would mostly be for show but I really like the idea of added bonuses for the two options:


1 handed wield:

+ moves faster while aiming

+ faster draw

+ better hipfire

+/- wider spread

- worse aim and range


2 handed wield:

- moves normal speed while aiming

- normal draw

- normal hipfire

- normal spread

+ better aim and range


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