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Surefire way to get NPCs navigating on top of Red Rocket Truck Stop?


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Hi all,


I'm having a devil of a time ensuring that my companions and settlers can get into a building I constructed on top of the gas station. I was using a method that worked before and I am now failing. I'm using the concrete stairs and floors and the NPCs don't seem to even enter the stairs if I command them to, I can get to the new building without jumping but if I command them to move to the spot I'm standing at they seem to run around the gas station, to under the spot I wanted them to be. I have no idea what I'm doing different now but if any of you know of a way to get the NPCs to succesfully navigate to a custom building on top of Red Rocket Truck Stop so that they can use beds, any workstations and such, I would greatly appreciate it!


Thanks for reading.

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Heck I'm having the opposite problem, my settlers end up on top of Red Rocket and I don't have any stairs or anything built up there, they just appear and then I have to console their asses down. If they won't go up the stairs, there has to be something uneven with your stair placement or something that's stopping them from going up. The game engine sees a break in the path up there so they can't make it. That's my guess anyway.

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I was experiencing the same issue with the massive structure I created on top of Red Rocket and other structures in various settlements. Red Rocket pic for reference:




The solution for my particular instance of the issue was to redesign (widen) the entry to the stairwell and stairwell itself on the back of the structure to allow settlers a little more elbow room, per se, to get to either their assigned vendor stations or beds.


If either of you were to provide pics of what you are trying to accomplish then I may be able to provide a workaround.

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I just built a 3 storey hotel at the first settlement in Far Harbor. You get in by either of two stairways either side of a landing, pretty straightforward stuff and inside there are the usual snap n' build stairways to the 1st and 2nd floors. When I first built it I put 8 beds on the first floor and the settlers used them without any problem. However, when I moved the beds to the 1st floor they won't go up there, and even worse a couple of them do their silly pedalling walk beside the entrance stairway.

I think it could be when you first build something the AI uses it but when you modify it then it stops working ?

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Without a pic to reference one piece of advice I can offer is to reassign your settlers to each bed.


If that doesn't work then try changing the stair model. E5 seemed to work just fine for me.

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I built a capsule home on top of Red Rocket once (thank's Snap 'N Build) and just had a set of wooden stairs for access and my compaions were ALWAYS going up there (and then "getting lost" in the capsules, but that's another story).


All I did was to have a small wood floor section to straddle the roof edge and two big wood stair sections (one on top of the other) to reach it from the ground and one small set of porch steps to land on the roof proper; they NEVER had problem getting to the roof.


As for the new concrete stairs, while NPCs will use them, they seem confused by the railings sometimes.

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I've yet to mess with the CK Beta, are we able to properly navmesh new workshop items now? I know CK's classically (and I assume this one too, since its critical) have had the ability to generate a navmesh / customize navmesh for worldspaces, but curious about navmeshing individual objects like new stairs and such.

Or is that tied into the collision creation issue? Apologies, haven't messed around with the CK yet.

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your first question should be: does everything have nav meshes?


If yes, the best way I've found is to build guard posts or something that they physically stand on in your new area, assign the settler(s) to the objects, then go away and spend some time away. Fast travel back to the area in question while it's still daytime (working hours) and they should be up there, if everything is nav meshed and built well enough to allow navigation.


Remember, even small ledges that you can just walk over as the PC can have a large enough break in a nav mesh to prevent walking.


You can also use the console to bring them to your exact location if you're impatient. Click on someone and type "moveto player"

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