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Sorry for a noob question and couldnt find results for it

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I am a little worried installing the armamentarium mod. I have the .esps and .esms it there correct spot, but I don't understand what I do with the texture and menu folders. If I put them in the data folder it will replace my current files. Any help or insight as to what I should do?
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Copy them to the \Data directory. There are very few files in the \Data directory on a vanilla Oblivion install because the vast majority of the information is stored in the .bsa archives. Then get OBMM and run the invalidation utility, choose BSA Redirection and you shouldn't have to do any more Archive Invalidation.


Also, if Oblivion is installed in the default location and you're running Windows Vista or 7, the first thing you need to do is move it out of the \Program Files directory following this guide.

Ex: C:\Games

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