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About to start pulling my hair out over this game.


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So, I recently started playing Fallout 4 on a desktop rig I'm borrowing from a friend. He's running a GTX 660 with 8GB Ram and a 2.9 ghz AMD processor. The game defaults to medium settings which I'm honestly fine with, and was running between 45-60 frames without many issues. I was totally fine with all of that. I'm currently using very few mods, some weapon and armor ones but nothing super stressful on the system. The biggest might be the Railroad HQ Player home done by Elianora, but I wasn't even able to make it there before I started encountering issues.

After I got done playing the previous night, I saved and quit, turned off the computer, and went to bed. I woke up this afternoon, turned the computer on, and went to continue playing. Everything was working fine until I alt-tabbed a few times. I started noticing some HORRENDOUS fps drops, like all the way down to 10 and below. I alt tabbed again to see if that would refresh the game and fix the issue, which it did, for about five minutes. Now, no matter what I do (Validating game cache, deleting and reinstalling the game, use with 0 mods active, anything at all.) The game will simply not run above 15 FPS even on the lowest settings.

It simply refuses to do so. And I have no f***ing clue what could of happened that is causing this issue.

Please, if anyone out there has any idea what might be wrong, let me know. I am desperate to fix this issue. But it is simply beyond me.

P.S. I even attempted to see if the game had for some reason switched to using the AMD built in graphics rather than the GTX 660 card, but to my knowledge it has not.

Edited by NickSheperd
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Bumping this. I still haven't been able to find a solution for this. To reiterate, My game was working fine one night, but the following afternoon after I alt-tabbed a few times the frame dropped to 10 and below and doesn't really go above 15 when the game is running. Before this problem it would fluctuate between 45 and 60.

So far I've attempted to restart the game, uninstall and reinstall the game as well validating my steam cache. According to Steam, two files were failed to validate, and it said that it would reacquire them (presumably when the game launched) This is the second time it's said this, does this mean two of my files are corrupted? If so, why isn't steam fixing the problem as it should?

My completely uneducated guess is that somehow during the alt-tabbing something didn't quite click once I tabbed back into the game, resulting in this problem. But even if that were correct, I have no idea how to fix it. The game is literally unplayable at 15 FPS. Googling for answers hasn't brought up anything relating to persistent, long lasting FPS drops, only short term ones that fix themselves easily enough.

I do not know how to fix this. :(

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