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Object IDs from other mods don't work?


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I have the Quest Award Levelling mod, so the leveled awards upgrade automatically to my level, I got the More Sigils mod and wanted the new sigil stones to upgrade to my level too. At first I just opened More Sigils in CS and got the object ID for the Transcendent version of a sigil stone, do "player.additem 01000### 1" (where "###" are the real numbers) to get the higher level version and remove the lower leveled version by player.removeitem. But no matter what I try, it won't recognize that the object IDs from the More Sigils mod exist, it just keeps telling me it couldn't find that number for the object ID. I've also tried it without the first two numbers, and just the last 3 numbers, etc. no luck. It does work when I put in the object ID for a default Oblivion sigil stone.


I then tried adding the new sigil stones from the mod into the Quest Award Levelling scripts in CS, from what I could tell there's no errors/typos, but it doesn't do anything, the rest of the mod still works.

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To my knowledge mods can't reference objects from other mods, only from master (esm) files. This is because the actual formID used by Oblivion changes for each mod depending on the load order. For more information, check out this thread.



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To my knowledge mods can't reference objects from other mods, only from master (esm) files. This is because the actual formID used by Oblivion changes for each mod depending on the load order. For more information, check out this thread.



You can... Kinda, if you load them in the CS right, and maintain their load order... It is however not advised to even try since any errors or changes afterward can really screw your game over.


The question however was about adding items through console. What is mentioned in the linked topic is pretty much how it is. Really though, you shouldn't be using console to add items to the player unless you are 100% certain of what you're adding. You really should use other methods other than console for adding anything that doesn't exist within the main .esm. On the plus side, it gets you familiar with placing stuff (or scripting) in the CS.

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