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Forbidden Knowledge Fix *FAR HARBOR SPOILERS*


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The title warns there's spoilers so I doubt I'll get in trouble here. When you're allied with the Institute and you do the far harbor quest 'Forbidden Knowledge" When you knock out all synths that are named thne talk to the doctor whateverhisnameis... it tells you to talk to him after you did it but he's not where he's supposed to be. I try waiting. I try fast travelling around he just never appears. I try using the moveto player code that I found online and it won't work it keeps saying that compiled script not saved or something. I know it's the right NPC id cause I tried placeatme and it put him by me.. but not the actual NPC version like.. he wouldn't talk to me. I tried to get the questid to just finish the quest using console and it didn't work.


MY REQUEST... PLEASE Make some form of fix to force him to spawn or.. something.. something so that I can actuallyy complete the quest! I Tried CAQ and it doesn't work it says the code doesn't exist.. >_< which is most unhelpful

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