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NVedit "fatal could not find ini"

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I gave up on Wrye Bash after learning that New Vegas Edit works better (why isn't it mentioned on the NVAMP site?) but I can't get it to work. I installed the .dat and .exe files to the new vegas directory, but it keeps giving me a "cannot find ini" error. At first I assumed that my original download was faulty/missing a file, but the second dl was exactly the same.

Help please?

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So, I got it open, but it won't do anything when I right click...

I'm utterly lost, both in the load order and the pack file thing. NVAMP's site is outdated and lists .esps that weren't included in the file download, and the relevant mod pages are of little help... it would be a miracle if it works the first time or even the tenth.


Anyway, this is the error it gave me.

[00:04] Background Loader: [ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm] Loading file

[00:04] Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 2.

The system cannot find the file specified>


and this is my intended load order:

FOOK - New Vegas.esm
FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm
nVamp - Effects nVamped.esm
nVamp - Dead Money.esm
nVamp - Hardcore nVamped.esm
PMT - OWB - Sonic Emitter Robot Damage Fix.esp
Armor Replacer Child NPC Fix.esp
New Vegas Trade Center.esp
NVR - Trapper Time.esp
NVR - Lock Kicking.esp
NVR - Lock Bombing.esp
NVR - Extra Actions Toggle - Walk.esp
Machienzo - NPC Cosmetic Fixes DLC01.esp
Machienzo - NPC Cosmetic Fixes DLC02.esp
Machienzo - NPC Cosmetic Fixes DLC03.esp
More Realistic Aiming.esp
Light Step ED-E.esp
AllCompanionsEssential 2.0.esp
Sexy Nightgowns.esp
FOOK - New Vegas.esp
FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp
FOOK - No Loose Files.esp
FOOK - No Loose Files DLCs.esp
XFO - 1aa - Accuracy Revamp - mild.esp
XFO - 4a - Perks - Paths.esp
XFO - 5b - Skills - SP Formula Rebalance.esp
XFO - 6aa - Epic Skills - Effects Over 100 (NVSE req).esp
XFO - 8a - Cripple & Body Part Revamp.esp
XFO - 8c - Karma Rebalance.esp
PMT - Explosive Robots.esp
PMT - Gravity Kills.esp
PMT - Slower Reloading No Visible Perk.esp
PMT - Destructible Ordnance.esp
PMT - Destructible Ordnance Reduced Ammo.esp
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
LUMENARIUM - Working Sunglasses ONLY.esp
Nevada Skies - URWLHH.esp
LUMENARIUM - Bright Clear Days.esp
ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp
DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp
nVamp - Effects nVamped.esp
nVamp - Dead Money.esp
nVamp - Dead Money - WMX.esp
nVamp - Effects + DM.esp
nVamp - Hardcore nVamped.esp
ELECTRO-CITY - Darker Nights.esp
RX-Auto Incremental Save.esp

Total active plugins: 77
Total plugins: 83

ETA: I can't believe I just noticed this now, but FNV edit isn't showing all the files, maybe the top third, it cuts off about three esps in. Also there isn't a scroll bar for the left window.


ETA2: found the error log file..

Callstack (Frames):

[0042FDB4] SysUtils.RaiseLastOSError

[0042FD3D] SysUtils.RaiseLastOSError

[0054C837] wbImplementation.TwbFile.Create (Line 1968, "ZLIBEX.pas")

[00577BD9] wbImplementation.wbFile (Line 12504, "ZLIBEX.pas")

[00549C50] wbImplementation.TwbFile.AddMaster (Line 1485, "ZLIBEX.pas")

[005509E4] wbImplementation.TwbFile.Scan (Line 2824, "ZLIBEX.pas")

[0054C83F] wbImplementation.TwbFile.Create (Line 1969, "ZLIBEX.pas")

[00577BD9] wbImplementation.wbFile (Line 12504, "ZLIBEX.pas")

[0083E8D2] frmViewMain.TLoaderThread.Execute (Line 11614, "frmViewMain.pas")

[0045DDD6] Classes.ThreadProc

[00407358] System.ThreadWrapper

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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I feel like an idiot. The NVamp page had a separate file for the "missing" .esps... :facepalm:

The descriptions weren't exactly clear, but it was under the main file section, so it was required.

Now I need to edit the core esp to change its master file for the npc tweak update. I can't load it in FNVEdit without the missing master, though, and the master version isn't on Nexus anymore.

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