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How do I edit handtohand damage?


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Is there any way I can edit the amount of handtohand damage done? I tested out handtohand damage by setting strength and h2h skill to 100, and the damage done is still microscopic. Is there any way to edit h2h damage modifier so that it does more damage as h2h skill increases? I don't want to increase my strength to like 200, because that would ruin attacks done with weapons. Thanks.


Related question: is there any way to edit certain attacks (weaponed and handtohand) so they have a x% chance of knockdown/knockback? For example for vanilla Oblivion, only h2h backwards power attack, blade/blunt backwards power attack, and bow attack has a chance of knockdown. I want to make it so that any power attack (not only backwards) has a x% chance of knockdown, is that possible?

Edited by Heartcloud
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