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Why should we believe shaun?


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but if Father has been following your exploits since you woke up, why does he do NOTHING to help you until you finally track down your son's kidnappers.

at times you are actively attacked by Institute Synths. why are you on the Institute's list of targets? if Father wanted to he could have called off all those attacks and even sent you a message.

but no, you are a target until you break in to the Institute,

Father's story that he arranged for you to kill Kellogg would be a lot better if Kellogg wasn't still being protected by Institute Synths.

Father states that he wondered if you'd find your way to the Institute. it doesn't sound as if you killing Kellogg and a Courser (which is unprecedented) was so predictable.

Father's attitude seems to be indifference to your survival.

Father only seems interested in a family reunion after you show that you are a real threat to their plans.

to me it looks like a desperate change of tactics using the one thing they know about your character and motivation (finding Shaun and avenging your spouse). so you are told that you have already killed the person ultimately responsible (Kellogg) and Shaun no longer needs your care.


what if Father's story is all lies and it hasn't been 60 years since Shaun was kidnapped? what if the Shaun in Kellogg's memories was the real Shaun and only 10 years have passed? the institute then made the Synth Shaun for you to rescue but it wasn't convincing enough, or they didn't have time to finish the project before you found them, so Father changed tack and said he was Shaun to throw you off the scent.


there is no way that Father, or anyone from the Institute, could have known that you'd see Kellogg's memories, or which memories you would be able to recover. so why the recent memory of a 10 year old Shaun? in that memory Kellogg is told to go after Virgil, and we know that Kellogg normally gets the job done, so it would seem that you catch up with Kellogg as he is preparing to go after Virgil.

what if it has only been 10 years and Shaun is still a child and still a prisoner of the Institute, or worse, disposed of after donating DNA?


on first entering the institute you are prepared to take down everyone and Father says the ONE thing that could make you stop and think rather than destroying those responsible for taking away your family.

we know that the Institute cares nothing for the lives of those in the Commonwealth and sees the people as something that will need to be cleaned up before the Institute can repopulate the Commonwealth. we even have evidence that not only do they replace people with synths (Roger Warwick, etc), once they have completed their experiment they kill the synth and kill the family of the person who was replaced (terminals and conversations in the Bio-science dept), including children.

there is a lot of talk of noble causes (the future of humanity, etc) but all they do is experiment on people and/or kill them. everything they do is at odds with everything they say, so why should we believe anything.

if Father really is Shaun, why can't you make him see how wrong and evil the Institute is and make it work towards helping the Commonwealth rather than terrorising it?


all the blame is shifted onto Kellogg, who actually seems sympathetic towards you and shows regret that he has to follow orders and kill you, yet it wasn't Kellogg who ordered Shaun's kidnapping.

Edited by mighty zog
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but if Father has been following your exploits since you woke up, why does he do NOTHING to help you until you finally track down your son's kidnappers.

at times you are actively attacked by Institute Synths. why are you on the Institute's list of targets? if Father wanted to he could have called off all those attacks and even sent you a message.

but no, you are a target until you break in to the Institute,

Father's story that he arranged for you to kill Kellogg would be a lot better if Kellogg wasn't still being protected by Institute Synths.

Father states that he wondered if you'd find your way to the Institute. it doesn't sound as if you killing Kellogg and a Courser (which is unprecedented) was so predictable.

Father's attitude seems to be indifference to your survival.

Father only seems interested in a family reunion after you show that you are a real threat to their plans.

to me it looks like a desperate change of tactics using the one thing they know about your character and motivation (finding Shaun and avenging your spouse). so you are told that you have already killed the person ultimately responsible (Kellogg) and Shaun no longer needs your care.


what if Father's story is all lies and it hasn't been 60 years since Shaun was kidnapped? what if the Shaun in Kellogg's memories was the real Shaun and only 10 years have passed? the institute then made the Synth Shaun for you to rescue but it wasn't convincing enough, or they didn't have time to finish the project before you found them, so Father changed tack and said he was Shaun to throw you off the scent.


there is no way that Father, or anyone from the Institute, could have known that you'd see Kellogg's memories, or which memories you would be able to recover. so why the recent memory of a 10 year old Shaun? in that memory Kellogg is told to go after Virgil, and we know that Kellogg normally gets the job done, so it would seem that you catch up with Kellogg as he is preparing to go after Virgil.

what if it has only been 10 years and Shaun is still a child and still a prisoner of the Institute, or worse, disposed of after donating DNA?


on first entering the institute you are prepared to take down everyone and Father says the ONE thing that could make you stop and think rather than destroying those responsible for taking away your family.

we know that the Institute cares nothing for the lives of those in the Commonwealth and sees the people as something that will need to be cleaned up before the Institute can repopulate the Commonwealth. we even have evidence that not only do they replace people with synths (Roger Warwick, etc), once they have completed their experiment they kill the synth and kill the family of the person who was replaced (terminals and conversations in the Bio-science dept), including children.

there is a lot of talk of noble causes (the future of humanity, etc) but all they do is experiment on people and/or kill them. everything they do is at odds with everything they say, so why should we believe anything.

if Father really is Shaun, why can't you make him see how wrong and evil the Institute is and make it work towards helping the Commonwealth rather than terrorising it?


all the blame is shifted onto Kellogg, who actually seems sympathetic towards you and shows regret that he has to follow orders and kill you, yet it wasn't Kellogg who ordered Shaun's kidnapping.


My settlements were still targeted AFTER I entered the Institute. I went in, got the whatchumacallit for Virgil, then went to my main base at Croup Manor only to find it being attacked by Gen 1 Synths. My automated defences killed them but when I went in I found a dead settler and she was a synth. So I go back to the Institute and there is no option to talk about this.

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