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Leveled opening at locks

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I'm having trouble making a script where once the player reaches at least the target level, an object unlocks and then the player can access what's inside.


Probably would run on GameMode, and be a conditional where if the player is, say, level 5, then unlock it. Else, it stays locked until then. Problem is, I don't know how to set up the script. I have the basic idea down, but I'm not really sure how to have it check the player's level. Can someone write it up quick so I can see how it should look?

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Make a copy of a container that you want to use. After placing the container in the editor, set the lock level on the container to 'requires key'. Then place a script on the box.


scn MyContainerScript

short iDoOnce


if iDoOnce
if Player.GetLevel >= 5
  	set iDoOnce to 1


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