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NPCs voices missing.


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This (like FOMM), just decided to happen, at the drop of a hat. Two days ago, the game was just fine, now I get NO voices on any NPC. Whether it be animals, or that passerby that usually says something. Is anyone else having this issue? NV is working great, for once. All the voices work there.


The web is flooded with people saying the same issue is going on, but like always...no solution.

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Blackguard666 - Hello!


You say it worked fine before?


I assume you've got Fallout - Voices.bsa & Fallout - Sound.bsa in your Fallout 3\Data folder?


Have you installed any Audio/Video playes, DVD burners or the like just recently?


If you have, that could explain the sudden sound disappearance.


Thos types of programs install codecs & it's possible one is messing with your sounds.


Get installedcodec:







Once you've got that, run it, click on "Installed/Modified Time", scroll to the bottom & see if any codecs have been installed around the time you started having trouble.


If there are any from around that time you can right click on them & select "Disable selected items", close the program & see if your sound is back to normal.


To turn codecs that you've turned off back on, do exactly the same but click on "Enable selected items".


Hope this helps!



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