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Need a weapon?


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Perhaps I could redirect you to the Light Disk idea, but that requires more than just a model and textures.


Hmm... I think a umbra-schemed katana would be cool. You think you can give it a strip of white light going half way up the side? (If I can't get a light disk, a light-katana would be the next best thing.)

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Hi! I've got a request I've been meaning to ask someone for a very long time. It's a special 2h katana I came up with myself.


The handle would be just like a regular katana, black cloth and red spots (you know, the thingies in the middle of the handle).


The guard needs to look a little like this: http://www.wle.com/media/HK05360_big.jpg


And finally a blade that looks like this: http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/anime_blood_sword_540.jpg


Let me know if you feel like making this. Because I'm dying to get an awesome katana. (also, not too strong or fast. Too strong just kills every enemy in one hit and too fast seems to unrealistic for a 2h sword. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Oblivionstud667
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I would greatly appreciate a NON RETARDED oblivion 2h mace. So if you could please make a 2 handed version of the mace in this picture. http://images.wikia.com/wowwiki/images/6/6a/Paladin_silver_hand.jpg I would be very happy. Surely I'm not the only one who despises the maces of the game? The mace can be any colour scheme, but the handle must be wood... Enchantments are unecessary. but do as you please. I would appreciate the hammer to be of average speed, and end game type damage. ;D

Thanks in advance.

Edited by luicius
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The sword from Blood+, the look is superb. I thought I had seen one in the mods list, for the life of me I can't find it again.

So if you could make it that would be awesome or if you know the mod or the search name to find it that works just as well. That has end game stats, with dagger speed (if it is a one hand) or katana speed (if it is a 2 hand)



Also I don't know how detailed you can get with something like this as far as stats are concerned (or if you can even add stats), but if there was a way to enchant the sword with the "cure vampirism" potions effect without it causing game crash that would be awesome or an enchant that hurts your health by 1 - 10 points per second while equipped and a sunlight damage effect (so that it reflects the effects in the anime (without it being a god weapon instant vampire killer (which would be cool if it only effected vampires, with an increase in user health damage (such as it having 1 attack with a kill vampires instantly spell, sunlight damage I am assuming.)))) Or give it a high enchant value so that I can enchant it. Even if it is only a 2 or 3 time use enchant with an absurdly high recharge cost.


Thanks in advance for anything you able to do and with the p.s. if you can that is incredible if you can't it really is not a big deal just thought I would ask because it could be a cool addition. Also I am new to using the editor so if you could place it somewhere in game or just place in inventory that would be very much appreciated.


Thank you again.

Edited by hopps88
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