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Making a bimbo character and clothing/etc to match!


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So I'm copy pasting this idea a friend once told me.


" So I got an idea for a character while I was starting a new character for Fallout: New Vegas. A female character named f*** Bunny with a very low intelligence and strength, but huge Charisma, Luck, and Endurance. So basically a bimbo character.



The basic premise is simple. While creating the vaults, Vault-tec worked on a little... side project. It was a formula that would turn anyone who was injected with it into a horny, subservient bimbo of a woman. Of course, it wouldn't be any help with the war and there were very few practical applications for it. That's why they decided to test it out in one of their vault experiments. They made vault 69, and made special pink jumpsuits for all of it's inhabitants. Once worn, the wearer would be injected with the serum.


The vault was packed with hundreds of jumpsuits, more then the inhabitants of the vault would ever be able to wear. All those who came into the vault were forced to wear one of the suits with only one man, the vaults overseer, prohibited from wearing one himself. Some time after the bombs fell, the vault was opened, and the overseer brought his army of bimbos into the world. This left the vault empty, and many, many suits out in the wasteland.


Anyone who had the misfortune of walking into the vault would be forced into one of the suits by one of it's many robots. And, of course, the suits seem very protective, making them seem great armor for any wanderer... until they put it on. But by then, it's too late.



So the basic idea if pretty simple. A character, either a man of woman, either puts on one of the pink jumpsuits for whatever reason, or is forced into one. From there, they become a stereotypical bimbo. Blond hair, huge breasts, wide hips, etc. And, of course, the jumpsuit could have been 'mixed up' with some other experiment, which could create literal f***-bunnies (either bimbos with a rabbit tail and ears or full anthro bimbos). But that's not really necessary.


Just putting it out there because I thought it'd be interesting. Of course, someone could write a story about this (with which I would be willing to help if requested), or an image or sequence drawn. I'd even be willing to write a story as a 'trade' if anyone wants to, though I don't have any plans on writing one right now. It's really just a little idea I had. "


Basically aside from the sexual theme behind, it sort of intrigued me from a gameplay perspective to adjust to a different kind of playstyle.


The story and such or an actual quest isn't per se necessary but be a nice added touch. Making such a character stats-wise is simple enough, but a suit that would make the character a bimbo like described above sounds simple, unfortunately I myself do not know how.


My questions are, might someone here be interested in doing something like this? (the suit first and foremost)

I have seen many nice clothing been added in the past in fallout 3/new vegas so it should be possible?

Or could some of you guys give me tips on how to make such a suit and so on if I were to try it myself?


That is all, have a nice day.

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Well, I guess for some people it may seem odd. But if you know something that could help. please do tell.

Ow darn you right I missed the request one down there. I saw the mod talk section, because I figured I might be able to discuss it there.

Should I make the thread over there again or just keep it here?

I guess in a way it's a request, but I sort of also want to keep it out in the open, because if some of you know some tips on how to go about it, I might try and make it myself.

Thanks for the welcome

Edited by bgcfan
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Well, I guess for some people it may seem odd. But if you know something that could help. please do tell.

Ow darn you right I missed the request one down there. I saw the mod talk section, because I figured I might be able to discuss it there.

Should I make the thread over there again or just keep it here?

I guess in a way it's a request, but I sort of also want to keep it out in the open, because if some of you know some tips on how to go about it, I might try and make it myself.

Thanks for the welcome

Welcome again, I'd probably make the Jumpsusits addictive like a dermal patch thing so there were withdrawal symptoms when not wearing them after say 30minutes. Bring on the Cloned Pink Latex Bunnies :)

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I think there are enough female bimbos in the world already, why add to the problem? :P


How about hot male bimbos now that would so much more fun.....


Anyways... you might find this mod helpful?




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Yes, ozzie, something like that would be nice, but I myself have never used the GECK before, so I wouldn't know how to make such a suit myself.

And most importantly the suit could have such additives, but it's mostly for appearance sake. Using wigs as helmets to create certain hairstyles perhaps and masks for the face.

Which reminds me after you picked your gender at character creation, is there actually an option in the game itself to change the gender or would the use of a mod be needed?


Also thank you nivea, the bunny suit looks kind of neat, I'll look into for normal use, haha. It might have TLDR, but the suit could give the player character a bimbo look even though the character might be normaly male and perhaps it could be also done for your companions if you so desire, since it's a piece of clothing. An Arcade Ganon bimbo for the lolz if you please. :P


However I myself wanted to try a different approach with the above mentioned stats and thus having the appearance also reflect the stats would be just a nice small added touch.

( very low intelligence and strength, but huge Charisma, Luck, and Endurance.)

So I wouldn't mind trying to make it myself if no one is interested, but is there a tip section on how to use the GECK or some kind of tutorial?

Who knows maybe I'll make Cloned Pink Latex Bunnies ozziefire, if I only knew how. Placing a lot of male/female in a secluded crazy ass vault with new stuff to explore, loot and kill, sure why not is my thoughts on this in a nutshell.

Aside from the hookers in The Strip, you don't see a lot of ahem sexual themes, haha. At least I don't know of such mods. And I only vaguely am aware that mods exists that made changes to the body types and such, but specifice links or names of such mods I don't know of.


Again, thank for your input. Hope to hear more thoughts

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Yes, ozzie, something like that would be nice, but I myself have never used the GECK before, so I wouldn't know how to make such a suit myself.

And most importantly the suit could have such additives, but it's mostly for appearance sake. Using wigs as helmets to create certain hairstyles perhaps and masks for the face.

Which reminds me after you picked your gender at character creation, is there actually an option in the game itself to change the gender or would the use of a mod be needed?


Also thank you nivea, the bunny suit looks kind of neat, I'll look into for normal use, haha. It might have TLDR, but the suit could give the player character a bimbo look even though the character might be normaly male and perhaps it could be also done for your companions if you so desire, since it's a piece of clothing. An Arcade Ganon bimbo for the lolz if you please. :P


However I myself wanted to try a different approach with the above mentioned stats and thus having the appearance also reflect the stats would be just a nice small added touch.

( very low intelligence and strength, but huge Charisma, Luck, and Endurance.)

So I wouldn't mind trying to make it myself if no one is interested, but is there a tip section on how to use the GECK or some kind of tutorial?

Who knows maybe I'll make Cloned Pink Latex Bunnies ozziefire, if I only knew how. Placing a lot of male/female in a secluded crazy ass vault with new stuff to explore, loot and kill, sure why not is my thoughts on this in a nutshell.

Aside from the hookers in The Strip, you don't see a lot of ahem sexual themes, haha. At least I don't know of such mods. And I only vaguely am aware that mods exists that made changes to the body types and such, but specifice links or names of such mods I don't know of.

Again, thank for your input. Hope to hear more thoughts

Possibly one way to learn GECK is to open it up, click the help to open the wiki, copy the ESP files of a couple of mods to a folder where you can break them without fear then pull them apart one at a time and and see what makes them tick, there's also a heap of new tutorials uploaded here recently and older ones and probably some stuff on youtube too. Fallout3 GECK is nearly exactly the same as FalloutNV so also looking through the Fallout 3 forums yields a lot of information. You also need to use FNVEdit occassionally to check your files for conflicts with other mods or merge mods. When you are ready to do some scripting install GECK powerup so that you get werror messages when compiling otherwise it just doesn't compile, you get no feedback why or where to look.

Also use FOMM to start FalloutNV so you can turn on and off mods at startup. There are other tools that other people use, to do this stuff which may be better or worse, but these work for me.

There's heaps of mods with sexual content you should probably try so you get a feel for what is possible and what mods you may want to partner with, some of them set the system up and you just create an esp that would use their ESM file with permission, somewhere in the file searching for top100 files there's an "adult only" file search option. :)

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Thanks a lot, that pretty much covers everything I should/wanted to know.

Also you can use nearly any mesh from Fallout3 you just need to replace the ESP file with one that locates the stuff in NV. But if you plan to release any of it as parts of your mod here make sure you have the owners permission, the Nexus is super strict about piracy here. There's so much to learn and most of us here are still learning the mysteries on how GECK ticks :)


One thing to learn is that if any mod in the load order alters a record which is a Weapon, Armor, NPC, Leveled List or Recipe it will overwrite previous changes. The only way to be 100% sure your changes to existing Fallout assets is to use Records or add your new stuff by script. So if a Levelled list that decides what gun a random Fiend has is modded by someone else to add their Shotgun then you alter the same list to add your Revolver, whichever mod is loaded last wins, the other weapon added ceases to exist for the Fiends weapon options, but if you use a One Shot Script using the AddLevelledItem commmand running as a quest you will add your new revolver to their mods list. Having said that some things aren't possible to do that way and some items just aren't likely to be modded by anyone else, you mainly hit problems with Major NPC's & Companions. FNVEdit is the best tool for checking load order issues and conflicts, you can also do adjustments and drag copy record parameters between mods providing they use vanilla references.


Anything new you add should be safe as new record numbers are generated for all mods records other than FalloutNV.ESM and other DLC files like DeadMoney.ESM, NEVER attempt to change anything in them. in fact copy them to a sfae place to copy back if you accidently do screw them up. I would make an original backup of the whole data folder with your working mods before modding anything too and a new backup occassionally as you progress.


And when you reach 4th Stripey Yellow Belt GECK Apprentice Master San, don't forget to help another noob someday :)

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