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Awful land texture fade-in problem


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Hey guys and girls, I've been having an this issue with Fallout for a good while (about a year) and I've posted this problem ALL over the internet.


So... I've the GOTY edition and installed some favorite mods on there (Mart's Mutagen Mod, FWE - the big ones) and I don't know why, but for some reason I noticed the Wasteland looked... off.


You know how usually the 'far off' land textures are blurry? I seem to be experiencing that when I'm close and the land texture slowly becomes crisp (it's like there's a fog over the crisp layer and the fog is slowly being lifted) - OR - when I move around for a bit and get in the middle of the blurry texture it becomes crisp instantly. Here are some screenshots:


Screenshot 1 (blurry)


Screenshot 2 (clear)


Screenshot 3 (shows transition)


I don't seem to remember experiencing this problem before (I borrowed the game off a friend some time back)... It's sort of become annoying as I'm primarily a sniper character so I keep on seeing Raiders walking on what seems to be blobs of grey. Sort of ruins the experience.


I've tried messing around with the .ini files to no avail and using the tweak guide.


Another user describes it here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/312574-land-texture-not-loading-properly/


My system setup is as follows:

Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 64-Bit

8 Gigs of RAM

i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40 GHz

ATI Radeon HD 6950

Piece of Cheese (650 W)


I actually experienced this problem on my OTHER rig as well and believed that it would go away with my new setup. So much for THAT theory.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello "theuserman" first off this is uncanny your story matches mine exactly first rig a suspect big huffing 2nd rig no better huh what dya no....

well this problem has reared its ugly little head in fnv for me as well when i added a terrain texture replacer but it was present before hand just not so frequent so i suspect it is an actuall game bug inherant in the engine or from what i can gather badly compiled code from else where .

i can tell you what didnt work for my fnv and that was a large address aware enabler (4GB fnv enabler) nor did playing with graphics settings ,cell preloads sizes or reducing resolutions changing AA or any other settings in CCC for my ati hd 5770 ,so i gave up with fnv in the hope of an official explanation and got out fo3 goty only to find exactly the same fault on this new rig ....grrrrr theres me thinking fo3 was easier on the lonely graphics card i got so i checked out the nexus for any .ini information and found a couple of possibly useful custom .ini files there are old but one is by a mod author who produced a few terrain packs on an overclocked i7 i think




3 simple fixes - MANUAL EDIT


ALSO CHECK OUT THE MOD AUTHOR NMC for terrain packs might be worth downloading and investigating


im not going down the same road as i did with fnv and the 4gb enabler cos from what this noobie can gather its something called a pathing issue ( come on tech heads put me straight on this ) similar to what many complain about with a body replacer having a purple head etc or flickering textures (usually just incorrectly installed folders so the programed path misses the correct texture and applies a default or none at all )


im currently running the game in 2 core mode instead of 4 a simple ini tweak (3 simple fixes -MANUAL EDIT ) even though its "enhanced for multi cores"

but havnt put in enough gaming to provide a verdict

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello "theuserman" first off this is uncanny your story matches mine exactly first rig a suspect big huffing 2nd rig no better huh what dya no....


Thank you for you input. To be honest I was so frustrated I installed a few other games while I was waiting for a reply and got sidetracked. I'll install Fallout 3 again and get back to you.

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