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Made a New Mesh-Need Assistance.


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Ok, I am getting pretty good with Blender. But maybe I should of thought this over before I created the mesh... I made a full armor set (as in its pretty much a whole player model thats all in one piece) and now I want to put it in the game. I got its texture all set up and its all ready to go. I made sure in the CS to cover head, hair, hands, feet, upper body, and lower body.


When I put the armor on in the game it appears side ways. No animations are taking place (Must I create animations for the mesh? I've seen mods that were a full armor set, and still it had animations exactly like oblivions). And when I say sideways I mean not only is my shoes not on the ground, its in a 180 degree angle horizontally, and my mesh is in perfect position of standing on ground.



This may be a stupid question since its a full armor set but yea if its not possible telling me would be nice.


Thanks guys. This could be a really cool mesh you may even download if I can get it to work.

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  andrewguy12 said:
Ok, I am getting pretty good with Blender. But maybe I should of thought this over before I created the mesh... I made a full armor set (as in its pretty much a whole player model thats all in one piece) and now I want to put it in the game. I got its texture all set up and its all ready to go. I made sure in the CS to cover head, hair, hands, feet, upper body, and lower body.


When I put the armor on in the game it appears side ways. No animations are taking place (Must I create animations for the mesh? I've seen mods that were a full armor set, and still it had animations exactly like oblivions). And when I say sideways I mean not only is my shoes not on the ground, its in a 180 degree angle horizontally, and my mesh is in perfect position of standing on ground.



This may be a stupid question since its a full armor set but yea if its not possible telling me would be nice.


Thanks guys. This could be a really cool mesh you may even download if I can get it to work.

Need to weight it to the skeleton so that the game knows what parts to move where, when. There are a few tutorials around for this, search is your friend. However it should probably be mentioned that weighting can be one of the most time consuming and downright infuriating aspects of meshing. You may even need to rebuild whole portions of the mesh so that elements bend in the right places, and don't clip through eachother.

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Hey Vagrant, knew you would answer lol you know everything. I know exactly what you mean by the skeleton. I've been working on a couple tutorials right before I posted this (I would never post anything without searching it first ;) ). But I forgot to mention that what I'm using for my mesh is C:\BSA\meshes\creatures\skeleton.nif, which when I attempt to import it into Blender it doesnt allow it (Got some kinda error). Then I imported C:\BSA\meshes\creatures\skelly.nif into my mesh and it seemed to have looked as if it had imported animations and everything (you know how in armor meshes theres those sqaures that connect to the feet to show that its the body)

and when my game starts I dont even see the mesh. I mean cmon, at least put it up sideways again. But I'm thinking its a good thing that thats happened. I know that it did something. Any suggestions. Thanks :)

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  andrewguy12 said:
Hey Vagrant, knew you would answer lol you know everything. I know exactly what you mean by the skeleton. I've been working on a couple tutorials right before I posted this (I would never post anything without searching it first ;) ). But I forgot to mention that what I'm using for my mesh is C:\BSA\meshes\creatures\skeleton.nif, which when I attempt to import it into Blender it doesnt allow it (Got some kinda error). Then I imported C:\BSA\meshes\creatures\skelly.nif into my mesh and it seemed to have looked as if it had imported animations and everything (you know how in armor meshes theres those sqaures that connect to the feet to show that its the body)

and when my game starts I dont even see the mesh. I mean cmon, at least put it up sideways again. But I'm thinking its a good thing that thats happened. I know that it did something. Any suggestions. Thanks :)

Skeleton.nif is WAY different from Skelly.nif. One contains bone data, the other contains just the weighting and mesh components. Furthermore, every different creature has its own unique skeleton.nif. NPCs, and anything you would want an NPC to use would need to be weighted with meshes\characters\male\skeleton.nif. You should probably figure out what is wrong with importing the bones before anything since this needs to exist before any weighting can be done.


The reason why the model is sideways is because the orientation of the mesh isn't right (kinda goes without saying) even though it "looks right". While I don't know how this is done in blender, this can usually be fixed by importing one of the standard meshes, attaching your mesh to the standard mesh, and then deleting the standard mesh. If you import the skeleton and weighing with the standard mesh, you might even be able to use those weights to save you some time.


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  Vagrant0 said:
  andrewguy12 said:
Hey Vagrant, knew you would answer lol you know everything. I know exactly what you mean by the skeleton. I've been working on a couple tutorials right before I posted this (I would never post anything without searching it first ;) ). But I forgot to mention that what I'm using for my mesh is C:\BSA\meshes\creatures\skeleton.nif, which when I attempt to import it into Blender it doesnt allow it (Got some kinda error). Then I imported C:\BSA\meshes\creatures\skelly.nif into my mesh and it seemed to have looked as if it had imported animations and everything (you know how in armor meshes theres those sqaures that connect to the feet to show that its the body)

and when my game starts I dont even see the mesh. I mean cmon, at least put it up sideways again. But I'm thinking its a good thing that thats happened. I know that it did something. Any suggestions. Thanks :)

Skeleton.nif is WAY different from Skelly.nif. One contains bone data, the other contains just the weighting and mesh components. Furthermore, every different creature has its own unique skeleton.nif. NPCs, and anything you would want an NPC to use would need to be weighted with meshes\characters\male\skeleton.nif. You should probably figure out what is wrong with importing the bones before anything since this needs to exist before any weighting can be done.


The reason why the model is sideways is because the orientation of the mesh isn't right (kinda goes without saying) even though it "looks right". While I don't know how this is done in blender, this can usually be fixed by importing one of the standard meshes, attaching your mesh to the standard mesh, and then deleting the standard mesh. If you import the skeleton and weighing with the standard mesh, you might even be able to use those weights to save you some time.


Thanks a bunch man, I was really looking forward to your reply (Schools on Tuesday so I want to hurry this mini project up, I heard grade 10 is harder then grade 9 :O) . I'm going to try this out right now, I'll reply back with more info if I completed with no errors (lol I highly doubt that will happen), or I'll replly on what else is trying its best to give me errors ;).

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  andrewguy12 said:
Well, as surprising as it is it didn't work. The mesh still appears invisible in the game. I did everything exactly the same as whatt the tutorial told me to do. Any suggestions? Thankss ;).

I don't use blender, so wouldn't have the slightest idea what it could be. You might just have to go browsing through every semi-related blender tutorial you can find and see if one of them provides a clue. Might even want to take a step back and just try importing one of the standard meshes, and then exporting it to see the difference (compare the .nif files in nifscope). If you get some sort of specific popup message sating something is wrong, you might even want to google that to see what you can find.


As for 10th grade... I don't remember much, it sucked, I slept through most of it, but again, times have changed. Realistically, school at any grade isn't exactly hard unless you're going to some sort of special school. If it's a public school, it's even less so. Public schools are designed so that even if you don't put forth any specific effort, but atleast bother to show up most the time, accepting whatever bullpoo you're given, you'll still gratuate. Any effort you do spend is obviously to your benefit, but I wouldn't get all bent out of shape about things. All things take time to adjust to, the more accepting you are, the easier that adjustment. After a month or two you won't think anything of it. Work on the otherhand, that can be a right female dog all the time, no matter what. Schools are meant for you to want to go without the immediate rewards, work is something people have to be paid on a regular basis to do (because a sane person wouldn't do it without that payment).

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lol woot woot sounds like grade 10 is fun!! And just to make you feel better I have 3dMax.... Dont know how in gods name anyone with any extreme talent can even look at the thing and not cry. Well if you know how to do it with 3dMax you can try to explain to me. But if you have any free time availible, and this doesn't just mean your free time, I mean your absolutely nothing to do time lol, can you check it out? I have msn maybe if you have it I'll send you my Nif. Thanksssssss. Oh, I want to explain something but you probably wont know what I'm talking about, When I compare two nifs (my mesh and a mesh that actually works), it has this block that I dont have in my Nifstrips block for the mesh. Its called NiSkinInstance I think. Is that important (lol I think it is), if I got that in there would it not be invisible?
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  andrewguy12 said:
Dont know how in gods name anyone with any extreme talent can even look at the thing and not cry.

It's what I became familiar with. Took a CAD class in either soph or junior year (for some rason they just seem to blend together), when I finished my work I used to just go playing around in 3d studio (vis and later max 1 (dating myself if anyone feels like doing the research)(learned the program by myself, with a few tutorials along the way). The interface has changed a bit since then, remember thinking max3 just looked too complicated. But, with all things, even the complicated stuff becomes second nature once you've worked with it enough*.


Anyway. Niskininstance would be the weighting (which would also be why nothing is moving) it wouldn't be hidden, it would be something which either wasn't imported with (or applied to) your mesh. This sounds more and more like something you aren't doing when you import the mesh or skeleton. Might want to make sure all the settings are right, and that there is actually the correct skeleton.nif where you're telling it to look (common mistake when importing into max, might be same issue).

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  Vagrant0 said:
  andrewguy12 said:
Dont know how in gods name anyone with any extreme talent can even look at the thing and not cry.

It's what I became familiar with. Took a CAD class in either soph or junior year (for some rason they just seem to blend together), when I finished my work I used to just go playing around in 3d studio (vis and later max 1 (dating myself if anyone feels like doing the research)(learned the program by myself, with a few tutorials along the way). The interface has changed a bit since then, remember thinking max3 just looked too complicated. But, with all things, even the complicated stuff becomes second nature once you've worked with it enough*.


Anyway. Niskininstance would be the weighting (which would also be why nothing is moving) it wouldn't be hidden, it would be something which either wasn't imported with (or applied to) your mesh. This sounds more and more like something you aren't doing when you import the mesh or skeleton. Might want to make sure all the settings are right, and that there is actually the correct skeleton.nif where you're telling it to look (common mistake when importing into max, might be same issue).

Ok, I'll tell you exactly what I do (I'm sure I am missing something), Firstly I import my mesh. Then I import a standard mesh. Then I Bone Weight Copy the standard mesh and my mesh as that tutorial you mentioned earlier said. Then the tutorial tells me I need to delete the old mesh, and its skeleton (why? I dont know). So then I import Skeleton.nif (Member when I said I got an error trying? Well a tutorial told me that I had to go open the skeleton up and edit it so that I can import it to Blender. What I did to Import it was go to block-Remove by ID- Then type ^BS|^NiBS|^bhk|^hk|^NiTransform). So now I'm in blender and I see the skeleton and my mesh. Then I make sure there nicely placed directly in the position it should be, so then I'm all like, "Hey this looks nice." So then I export it and boom it didnt work. Anything I'm missing? Whenever I start on anything I work on I must finish it!!!!! Thanks a bunchh man.



As for your very lucky ability to use the 3dMax program, I solute you. It would take me years to understand how to move a mesh on that thing! Just got it recently and its all whao! Lol You should remember those years as they were yesterday!!!!!!

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