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the tale of Nilas Arcanister VII


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alas me hearties, my beer's gone out, let the bartender fetch me a new pint to freshen my throat so thati may tell ye laddies the story of my great great great grandfather, Nilas Arcanister VII.


There was onece the order of the arcanisters, me hearties, almost three centuries ago, they were also known as, keepers of the spells, and i am introducing to yer,the best of all arcanisters, Nilas. *Takes a drink from mug*, ahh yes, just like my grandfather used to tell me, about his grandfather about Nilas, yer see, i also be an Arcanister, but i anin't keeping anemore spells *hic*, i be a bard, and this aint a song, but a story. *Takes out an old painting*, here he is, i have others but ill show ya during the story *hic* http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t70/chingun_bucket/ScreenShot12.jpg


*Drinks from tankard*, *hic* he also managed to keep a record of himself. Just before the ayelids finished their precious little tower, then came the invasion and blah blah blah *hic*, then after all that commotion came the arcanisters, which stored all known spells in the orrey, yes, the orrey *hic*, i dont have a paintinc of it but i have a painting of the arcanisters *takes old painting from backpack*



They kept keeping the spells for years, making potions,discovering new religions until Kalthis Sunchaser,

the old male without a father, tested one of them on poor Nilas, and eventually drove him mad *hic*, until one day....

*takes out another painting* http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t70/chingun_bucket/ScreenShot13.jpg, he finally lost it *hic*


Kalthis Sunchaser ran away, but Nilas got the old *censored*,



alas me hearties, my throat be dry, here is a painting i want this tavern to keep, just to know , that a descendand of probably the greatest man sat here, and enjoyed his time with his hearties




*takes one last drink, put all other paintings in the backpack and walks out of the tavern*



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