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Rating the joinable factions


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Part of my job includes rating stuff, so I thought I would rate the joinable factions in Morrowind just for the fun of it. I am interested in your opinions (obviously, else why bother posting this).


Rating scheme: A = Great; B = Good; C = Okay; D = Poor.

I rated them in three categories: Challenge, Rewards, Fun


So A/A/A would mean high challenge (I think being challenging is better), great rewards and tons of fun. And D/D/D would mean no challenge, little or no reward and not much fun. I am comparing the factions to each other, rather than to some sort of Utopian ideal faction that exists only in our minds. In other words, I am using the full range of ratings even though you, for example, could argue that none of the factions was challenging, fun etc.


I am not trying to argue that any faction is better than any other, or that any faction could have been better (because they all could have been better). I'm just providing something that I wish I'd had when creating my character. Plus, of course, opinions will vary depending on what you want out of the game. I left out the Blades, Ashlanders etc. because they are not true factions in the sense of starting at the bottom rank and working up to the very top.




B/D/B - Fighters Guild

D/B/D - Great House Hlaalu

B/C/C - Great House Redoran

B/B/A - Great House Telvanni

D/A/B - Imperial Cult

B/B/B - Imperial Legion

C/C/C - Mages Guild

B/B/C - Morag Tong

A/C/B - Temple

D/C/C - Thieves Guild


When considering "Rewards" I considered all the stuff you get as you progress through the ranks, not just a single uber item that you might get at the end. "Fun" is a combination of variety in the quests and how interesting the quests actually are.


Note that I did not consider training or services because there are very few NPCs who insist that you belong to their faction before they will train/serve you.

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I think youve seriously underratted the fun factor for the theives guild and morag tong, the Bal Mogmer quests in particular are quite interesting, and the webspinner quests for the Morag Tong let you do some fun dungeon exploration as well the prospect of getting paid to kill people instead of paying off the guards for killing people is especialy entertaining.
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I never belonged to Morag Tong in any of my chars, but I'm forced to agree with DragoonFurey. Thieves guild is ine of the funniest, specialy the Bal Molagmer's quests.

About your ratings, for me what's challenge is also fun, so I would have the same Challenge/ Fun rate for all the factions.


Oh, yeah, and do you think the rewards at the Imperial Cult are poor? :ohmy:


Boots of the Apostle and so one, and so one? Mmmm... :whistling:

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I'd have to agree with DF, who has joined MB in gaining shortened names with two letters. Oh, to have.

You can get the BotA's through the MQ by journeying through K. At least, I think it's K. After all, it was the middle of the summer when I got those boots. Good gracious, that was a long time ago.


:nazgul: <- OT

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I've got to go along with the majority, although can we reduce the abbreviations, please. More than one poster to the board would come out as DF.


The later imperial cult quests are interesting. (Ice blade of the Monarch, Skullcrusher) Collecting the ingredients is less so but you do get a restore spell that uses only one spell point.


Limorkil, did you rate each quest and average the result out or give us your overall assessment?

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Ja ja, I know that. Perhaps I wasn't clear. Did he take each individual quest and rate it (in his own opinion) then perform an averaging to come up with his rating for the faction or did he go straight into an overall rating of the faction?
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