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Loss of water turbulence with ENB series


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Hi i had ENB series and all water everywhere was placid - even the ocean.


I uninstalled it and the water looked properly turbulent again.


Reinstalled it and the placidness returned (the effect with reflections is like the liquid metal in the film Terminator 2 - it's almost like soup).


Any idea why this is happening and what i can do to change it?

Edited by Tyrajar
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I discovered the solution, it was forced anisotropic filtering in the enbseries ini file... i turned that off and it worked.


Ie for the sake of someone else reading this (because it bugged me for days) ->


I opened my enbseries.ini configuration file (located in the folder in which my enbseries.exe file is found), i went down to....




and changed that to




and saved the file.

Edited by Tyrajar
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