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Are the following mods incompatable when all three are used?


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1.Fallout weapon mod expansion.

2.FO3 Weapon restoration



- I have all the compatibility patches that lead to one another of the files (eve to WME, WME to FO3 Restore. ETC.) But new Vegas is crashing on start. Help?


Load order

[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

[X] FO3WeaponsRestoration.esp

[X] FO3WeaponsRestoration_SoundRestoration.esp

[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

[X] WeaponModsExpanded_FO3WeaponsRestoration.esp

[X] EVE FNV.esp

[X] WMEVE.esp

Edited by Rorcayt
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Couldn't tell you what the issue is as I only use one of those mods, but your best bet is to disable one and try to play, and keep going until you find the one that is keeping the game from running properly. For instance, I am having trouble with Project Nevada and a few other mods working properly, they were fine until I got some 'patches' for PN to let WMX mods be incorporated along with the DLC added weaps and now PN gives an error that the UI isn't loading correctly because files are missing. Finally I gave up and wiped the game to do a fresh install and I'll just go through and rebuild my load order mod by mod until I find what it was that was acting funky and just hope it's not something that is required for the mods I'd prefer to keep around.


So basically, even though you may have 'compatibility patches' for various mods to work together better doesn't mean that they ALL will play nice. Just gotta find the oddball and either remove it or see if you can't find a workaround or a working compatibility patch.


Hope that helps.

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