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Blender Unweighted Vertices


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Firstly, this is for Fallout New Vegas NOT Oblivion they do not use the same exact scripts. Second, this thread is over a year old do not post in old threads please make your own.

@nivea - Actually.....yes they do not use the same exact scripts ;)


@kwoodard65 - Vertex weight data is used to control how bones influence the vertices, i.e when you move a bone, how should the mesh react. Each bone, maps to a corresponding vertex weight group. A vertex might be influenced by more than one bone.


Since all vertices that have weight data are mapped to bones, if you rotate the root bone enough all weighted vertices will move and the unweighted ones will remain in place. Undo the rotation change, weight the vertices, rinse and repeat until all are complete.

Edited by neomonkeus
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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you guys solved my problem? I do not even remember that I wrote this...


Sorry! I did not know that I could Watch Topics either...






This is just embarassing...



Don´t think I solved the problem, whatever it was.

Edited by Niborino9409
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