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Hi guys,

I've been modding fallout for a while now and the mods work well for a time, but i seems like the more mods i have the more crashes and freezes occur. I thought it was my load order but i dont know much about which ones i should do first or last. I'm running windows 7 and have a fast enough computer. What i'm looking for is just some general tips to keep my modded game from crashing. thanks

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Download BOSS from the nexus and run it, that should sort out your load order. Also check that you don't have any conflicting mods because mod conflicts will always make you crash more. if you are using any large overhaul mods make sure you've read their readme's and followed any load order instructions they give also make certain the falloutNV.esm is at the top of your load order.


Hope this helps

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Hi guys,

I've been modding fallout for a while now and the mods work well for a time, but i seems like the more mods i have the more crashes and freezes occur. I thought it was my load order but i dont know much about which ones i should do first or last. I'm running windows 7 and have a fast enough computer. What i'm looking for is just some general tips to keep my modded game from crashing. thanks


I'm not going to type everything out in detail but I'll point you in the right direction. Search the nexus for BOSS and download it. It will auto-sort your mods for you. Next, search for FNVEdit. Run it once all of your mods are installed and in order, then right-click on any of the mods in the left window and click "Make merge patch". It will ask you to name the file, then exit and it will save the merge patch. Load the patch file last and it should help.


Also search the nexus for "4gb" and download the 4GB loader. If you have a good computer as you say this will allow the game to use more of your RAM.


Good luck.

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