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HAL9000 G36

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I got HAL9000's G36 and its a fun gun, but I wanted to change its name in game just for my own use. I installed GECK and found where to change the name of the gun so I changed it to H&K G36C, yeah OCD about naming, i know lol, well after doing that the gun no longer shows up at its original spawn. Some how the name change broke it? I didn't want to bother HAL with something so trivial but I'm scratching my head as to why its not working. Any help is appreciated
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Could be one of two things that I'm assuming...

Did you accidentally change the ID?

Changing the ID and saving as a new ID instead of replacing the old one would change that.


Secondly... When loading the mod with the weapon did you tick it or did you make the mod the Active mod before loading everything in the Geck?

Saving a new esp could be the problem here

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When i loaded it, i double clicked on the name and it ticked the check box. Then i clicked OK and is tells me i have not set it to active, what order would i need to do that. I don't think I changed the ID, the only field i edited was the name. It wasn't letting me overwrite when I saved so i made a copy, opened the copy and saved my mod by overwriting the original.


That worked, instead of double clicking it i clicked set as active file and it loaded and saved and works in the game. Thanks so much KDStudios!

Edited by burntartichoke
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When ticking the mod when loading it... Click the "Set as Active File" button. It will set that esp as the Active esp and any changes you make to it will save to that esp. So I suggest starting it from scratch and doing it this way.


Then go to the weapon and change only the name. Don't even touch the ID at all :)

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