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An 'interesting' slavery mod.


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I can't mod, I find it hard to edit any kind of texture or write scipts and I have such a limited ability to putting anyhitng togehter, but I have ideas, ones that will likely never see the physical creation they may or may not deserve.


Origionally I was looking into attempting to create a new Follower for players, but that idea has evolved slightly onto 'bigger' things.


~But the issue is as stated above~


So, all I can do is share my 'vision' if possible with you all and see what may happen from it.



Now, I know many poeple want a slavery mod and some seem to desire introducing the Mesmatron back into play, buut...it was a one off experimental creation, or so the story goes. So why not create a new similar styled item with some other involving abilities?


I do realise, by this point, that this MOD ide aof mine would require a ton of work and time, love, patience...and I wish I could build it myself, also realising a whole new Fallout game may come out before anyhitng ever happens with my idea.


Anyway, boring aside and jjabbering as well, I will get to the general idea/plot.



You arrive at the strip (Yes, that 'late' into the game) and upon entry into one of the higher class Casinos you are approached by "Mysterious girl" (This will require some coding im sure, if it is possible) who runs up to you and claims to be yours. While questioning who she is and what she means she reveals her name and explains you won her in a poker game against a rich business man who deals in guns.


She continues to explain that said man is still wont accept your fair win and claims you cheated and so will have to approach him (even against your will) only to find upon leaving the casino with the girl following you, that the man is outside waiting with a four man group of well trained, armed mercenaries.


A conversation starts to further a small amount of plot wher eif your speech is high enough you find out more about how he got the girl in the firs tplace, befor eth ebloodshed begins after some strong words (but dont worry, there will be a smaller clue left in the dead mans inventory).


The girl is now devoting herself to you and claiming that she is devoted to you, where you will get a choice to free her or keep her. (Bare in mind this will effect quest and karma progression which I will not go into since if someone wants ot make this it would ruin the point).



Continueing from this depending upon your choices it will lead into a couple of quests regressing back to where she was found and restoring some lost memories by finding a Dr hidden in one of the many places within the Mojave. After this memory restoration, it turns out she had her mind wiped by a machne in her vault and it removed her into the wasteland due to her desire to leave and many escape attempts.


This will leed onto to a new quest to find and take over this unknown vault.


Now some information on the vault in general wihtout going into tooo much detil, just in case.


The vault is numberless, if not a 0.0 vault done purely for the amusement of more underhanded experiments (although quite a few of them were anyway).


Known as the Secret Vault, this vault was used to train and manipulate women and men into slavery, keeping them apart form eachother, their various sexual necessities are removed periodicly to artificially breed a new batch when the old are approaching death and begin the process over and over (Until of course there is a certain intervention)


Within the vault there is to be a room purely for incenerating the old upon their death.


Now considering the delicacy of children related problems of obvious proportions, ther ear eno hildren, they are all tube gorwn unitl a matured age to be trained.


The entire vault is run by a artificial intelligence dedicated to the trsining and balanc eof the vault and you must defeat its various turrets and 'minions' (none of which are humans) before reaching the overseers office and finding a passage to its data core to override it and take ove rthevault for your own diabolical means...or not.


Now, I mentioned a new interactivity, which considering the ideea of the vault should be obvious what I mean, in a way.


There will be cels, training rooms and subliminal messeging rooms for training new slave protocols into people.


In the overseers office there will be a dart gun with a new experimental drug in the form of darts which overrides the ID wihtin humans and allows them to be influenced to follow you, which you will then lead them to the vault to be trained in whichever programming you desire (options chosen through computer terminals).


I would speculate right now that yes, it would be a right pain in the butt to cde, but i would guess, purely guess, that it is possibl to code that when user finishs choosing option * and terminal closes, NPC* at location * gains coding *....or some such?


Otherwise I have a far tooo ambitious idea!


Anywho, thats the very rough version. Plots, sory, info and so on is all in my brain and I have witheld a fair amount due to not deiring to give too much away.


Anyone who wants to comment or even messege me, feel free to, but please, no insults or etc of such kind.

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Not a bad plot, it holds water as well as any other mission in Fallout :)



I would say more, but if I do it would ruin the story and enjoyment of exploration etc.


Sure in the end its just one big slavery enabling mod but that isnt the point, I also like to give substance to the things I create in my mind. Just wish I could script and mod in a physical manner rather than just imagine things!


The guides dont help me, sur eI can do basic stuff, but when it comes to putting in my own textures and actually making a MOD I can't do it. I could like make some very simple location stuff and caracter design but guide son scripting an d such just go ove rmy head it seems.


It sucks to be clueless about modding lol.

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The idea is brilliant. It would be awesome if someone would do this.



I'd be very happy for someone to take up this project too. Heck i'd even try (with my poor abilities) to help with it, though I'd likely need someone to teach me how to script and make npcs...followers...mod textures...make locations....uhhh yeah....


Anywho, its not my only idea...but hey I can only throw one out at people at a time.

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The idea is brilliant. It would be awesome if someone would do this.



I'd be very happy for someone to take up this project too. Heck i'd even try (with my poor abilities) to help with it, though I'd likely need someone to teach me how to script and make npcs...followers...mod textures...make locations....uhhh yeah....


Anywho, its not my only idea...but hey I can only throw one out at people at a time.


Sadly I don't know how to mod either, though I can make perks.


:psyduck: approves.

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Well hopefully something may come along.


Until then I am going to begin trying to learn how to mod!


Which will take a long long loooong time I am betting!


Anyone interested in mor einfo of my mod idea feel free to contact me, I am going to work on some ideas and see if I am make any of them as I leanr to mod.

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