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5670 x 1080 stuff


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Ok, I just hooked up my eyefinity setup with 3 24" monitors. And after some trouble I got Fallout 3 working. But after a while I noticed a few things that got messed up. I have 3 requests, and they are the following:


1. The text for computers and the Pipboy is messed up. It gives it some kind of realistic look though but I'd like to get it more clear. Any suggestions on how to fix this? If not I would really appreciate if someone made a mod for it. :)




2. The menu screen and the loading screen is only on the center monitor. I would rather have it like this then getting the entire picture stretched out on all 3 monitors. But if it was possible to have 3 different loading screens at the same time on each monitor, It would be really awesome! Would anyone be able to do this?




3. The ingame hud is so far away from each other! I have to turn my head like 60 degrees to first watch the HP then the AP. This is really annoying. I know from an Oblivion mod you could toggle where on the screen the different hud things could be on your screen. I would like to have AP and HP on the center monitor. A mod that makes it possible to toggle where on the screen the different hud things(AP/HP) can be would be very appreciated!




Thanks for reading!

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Files not found, Not many people use 3 monitors. How'd you get them to work?

As for the fix: you can edit the .ini file to change your FOV angle and pipboy angles/ console text loaction etc.

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