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Origins/Awakening Difficulty Discrepancies


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Ok, I just felt the need to ramble on about this even though I'm sure it's a horse that's already been mercilessly beat upon.


I recently acquired Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition and was pleasantly surprised by the difficulty settings. Playing it on normal mode was harder than the hardest settings of other Bioware games I've played, which to me is wonderful, since Bioware has, in my opinion, put out some of the least challenging games ever made (though I enjoy playing them.) I played it through on Nightmare the second play through which forced me to really figure out how to play the game and presented quite a challenge( until I got it through my head to play certain parts of the game like a party in an MMO.) By the time I finished origins Nightmare mode I was really singing Biowares praises at getting a difficulty setting just right. The combat didn't bore me at all and I couldn't mindlessly zerg each battle ( like I apparently do in most 1 player games.)


Ok, so I just beat Origins on Nightmare mode with a min/maxished cunning rogue main character and I decide that I really like this character and want to import her into Awakenings and continue to play her. So I import her into awakenings. I think "Awesome" the first companion is a female warrior!! It's about time I can have a female tank for my group. So I get her to the joining and she dies... Ok, no problem I download the "Keep Mhairi as a companion" mod (or whatever the name of it is)! I set her up with the new warrior awakening talents and whatnot, and I begin to realize something. This is way too easy.


It occurs to me that I saw in the Mhairi mod comments section how someone's Mhairi companion isn't taking damage. Maybe this is the problem? I watch her carefully and see if this is my problem, and no it's not, because my Mhairi is taking damage. Why is this so **** easy!!?? I'm steamrolling through every fight with no strategy needed. I decide to try Ohgren as tank to make sure it still isn't something bugged with Mhairi. Same thing happens. He holds aggro effortlessly and the whole group takes very little damage. I never have to micromanage anything. I faceroll every fight...


Yes, I'm aware of the "Does gameplay really have to be hard for us to enjoy a game?" type of arguments, and that's not really what I'm griping about. Ok, fine I'm sure there is a mod to up difficulty on nightmare mode (and as soon as I'm done typing this tl;dr mess I'm gonna search for one.) My point is not so much that Origins is too hard or that Awakenings is too easy. My beef is the discrepancy. It really kills what too me could have been a much, much better add-in. Probably with some modding I can fix it too my liking, however, out the box it just doesn't flow for me. Is that the word? Flow? I guess I was looking/hoping for a way to seamlessly continue gameplay from Origins, but Awakening doesn't feel like the same game it's just that much easier.


If I had to guess why Awakenings is so easy compared to Origins, my first and last guess would be that it's because people griped about Origins being too hard. My experience from playing MMO's is that the tyranny of the majority dictates that things always get made easier. Anyway, I'm gonna stop rambling and search up a difficulty increaser mod.


- Live long and prosper

Edited by mojodajojo
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