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Boy the Fur is a'flying regarding Diablo III!!


Diablo III to require players to always be connected to the internet to play  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you buy it if it can only be played online, even in single player mode?

    • NO! With all the server lags, internet outtages, &/or slow connections, that is a deal breaker for me!
    • MAYBE, has Blizzard corrected their previous server lag & drop problems?
    • YES, I just wish they'd release it already!
  2. 2. Diablo III Auction House-D-3 will have an "Auction House" where players can buy virtual items from the game with real money- good idea or bad?

    • Good idea! Increases the chances of getting that one of a kind, rare item!
    • Bad Idea- won't everyone just buy what they need instead of questing & playing legitimately to gain them?
    • Remains to be seen- depends on how they're going to set it up & handle it.
  3. 3. Blizzard has also indicated they will NOT support modding of the game- in your opinion, will this hurt sales &/or replay value?

    • YES! Mods have helped to improve the game & keep the game going during this long hiatus waiting for D-3.
    • NO- mods didn't change all that much in D-3 anyway.
    • I Dunno- Didn't know you could mod any of the Diablo games.

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If it's a MMO, I'm not buying it. I hate MMORPGs. I liked D2 because I thought it was cool, but I am no way buying D3.
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At first Diablo 3 was a must buy for me. Now that Blizzard taking away mod support and mandating constant online connectivity to play, I probably won't buy it. It's a sad story that people like Bobby Kotick (CEO of Activision-Blizzard and one of the most hated people in gaming) have pretty much destroyed the Blizzard of the late 90's-early 2000's.
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What no runes, that sucks big ones. that was pretty much what diablo was all about. making rare and unique weapons with runes. To bad its not going to be in the game, even the skill tree was unique to, Diablo 3 isn't in my opinion going to be diablo, just some lame mmorpg thats been done many times in the past.


No buy, and the direction with the drm isn't helping much either.


Might pick up the new kotor instead.

Edited by Thor.
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Blizzard VP 'Surprised' Over Fan Reaction To 'Diablo 3' Online Requirements.


World of Diablo characters are stored on servers, so it isn't just a constant online verification, which means the bandwidth usage will be higher. The VP sticks his head into the massive flames of fury.

Edited by sendo75
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Blizzard VP 'Surprised' Over Fan Reaction To 'Diablo 3' Online Requirements.


World of Diablo characters are stored on servers, so it isn't just a constant online verification, which means the bandwidth usage will be higher. The VP sticks his head into the massive flames of fury.


Thanks for that article Sendo. I'm with BE, we're not "thick" enough to think that DRM never entered the equation when considering to place D-3 on constant connectivity. Puh-leez!! :confused: I thought in those trio of vids I listed SOMEbody mentioned DRM and constant connectivity.


Case in point for my argument that they need to get their crap together before undertaking such a venture. A buddy of mine convinced me to play LOD with him last night. We got booted from the server/lost connectivity, and had like 3-5 minute lags at least 5 times during this session! So again, what is going to happen when EVERYbody HAS to be online?? Last night there were less than 50,000 folks playing. What happens when it's 100,000+??


I really want to play the game, but that sucks, and last night proved to me, they do NOT have that piece ironed out sufficiently. >:(

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