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Wrye Mash Non-Responsive


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Both Mash and Bash worked perfectly, then after a few days of not playing TES, come to find Bash just won't open - it will load for a sec, then decide it won't even try.


After modding MW and severely needing Mash, I have set all the Start In and Targets, XP Compat options, etc, and it still says "unable to locate wxpython.exe" or somesuch, or simply doesn't even try.


The OS is Win 7 64-bit, though sometimes I wonder about that - my other laptop, claiming a 64-bit OS in it's "System" file, will not work with 64-bit .exe's, but will work with 32-bit just fine. The only thing we have to go on as to why anything Wrye quit working was because of a routine Diagnostic that Win 7 performs without user go-ahead, though how that would cause such a problem is beyond me.


Help would be appreciated, even if it's a stupid mistake on my part - it worked at one point, so I don't understand how it could be some simple n00bery.

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