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CK: Tips for landscaping faster?


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I've been working on a large worldspace for some time now manually without the region tools. Working on large woods at the moment and tried to google some tips for faster workflow but haven't found anything useful. The main problem is copy pasting patches of woods is pretty much useless. Copying one object is fine, the object will conform to land height nicely. Copying several objects its guaranteed something will float or sink under ground completely and pressing F drops some, but not all objects down, but again it's guaranteed some objects will just drop through the ground to the water level and trees tend to settle on their lowest point, leaving them partly floating, instead of that marker that usually allows singularly pasted objects to sink nicely. Copying shrubberies and trees together usually results in bushes just sinking all the way under ground. Holding ALT while dragging an objects is super unreliable even with singular objects with the ground conformation and with several objects it doesn't appear to work at all.


So currently it seems that the fastest way is going over an area copy pasting one type of tree cluster and the doing several sweeps of the same area with the next type and the next type and so on...


Anyone got any tips or know of any resources to help the process along? I suspect I have to take a look at region generation although I would prefer to work by hand even on these large swathes of woods...

Edited by msivo
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Thanks! This improves things considerably! I'd heard of the Object Palettes but I was under the impression they were just a glorified filter for objects but turns out this is a very useful tool.

Edited by msivo
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