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Downloading Problems

Killer B

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I am not sure where to put this, so the mods can move it if I have picked the wrong forum.


I have recently been having problems downloading from the Nexus sites - especially for FONV and F03.


I am registered and signed in but when I click on a file, instead of the selected download, I get a tiny 180KB file. When I open that file it is simply a log in page, not the file I wanted to download. I tried downloading from different servers in different cities, but i get the same, strange file that is simply a log in page.


Now I have downloaded and installed a LOT of files from Nexus over the past couple of years, and this has just happened the past week or so.


Have I missed something? I have not changed any of my computer settings - everything was working fine up til about a week ago. I admiit I was doing a lot of downloading of FNV mods recently - is there some kind of limit I do not know about?


I am using Windows Vista, 64 and IE.


Can anyone help?


Oh, and occasionally, I do get a download to work -usually if it is a tiny esp file for New Vegas - but not always; sometimes the file will download, sometimes the URL log in page will be downloaded again.


I appreciate any help anyone can provide -


Thanks in advance



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