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New Skill System


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Okay so there are plenty of mods out there to allow you to have your skills go beyond 100, which we will refer to as System 1, which is all fine and dandy but I for one don't want to be making my skills go up that high every time I level up. I'd be more into something that caps how much you can increase your skills in leveling, but you know for those items you wear.


While this isn't a good item but it's the idea: You have 100 in Guns and are wearing one of the Merc outfits. Kinda sucks that you can't get that extra 5 points doesn't it?


Basically, some sort of system where only the items you wear allow you to go beyond 100 (System 2). Is that even possible?

I don't know how to mod or anything so... yeah...

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