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Earth .NIF


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Hi all. I'm in the process of making a home mod on an ISS platform in space and would really love to have a large-ish .NIF of Earth to place outside to view from some of the windows I have placed around. Does anyone know of a mod that I would be able to request this from, or would be interested in making one specifically for mine? Of course credit would be given if/when this gets released. Even better would be to have it animate at roughly the same rate Earth does already, but that would just be a bonus. Also a Sun .NIF would be amazing but I could probably get by with a bunch of kicker light sources if need be. I have a couple other ideas I'd like to include, like a wall of glass that would fit a Vault theme, but I'm more interested in the Earth right now. Thanks!
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Umm I don't knwo what to look for specifically, but because of mothership zeta you could look around the falloutnv.bsa for the files. I am sure they are there somewhere as resources.
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Umm I don't knwo what to look for specifically, but because of mothership zeta you could look around the falloutnv.bsa for the files. I am sure they are there somewhere as resources.


:facepalm: Can't believe I didn't think of that, I actually have the addon too. Will update if I find anything.

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Uhh just a warning though, while it is ok to use all rescources found within the game, it is completely illegal and against site rules to upload any files containing resources taken from another game. So doing so even from fallout 3 is unacceptable. Though I still think you should be able to find the resources within the new vegas .bsa. Best of luck to you.
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Not true, DA. There are lots of files from mz and other DLCs that are in the BSAs but don't have forms in falloutnv.esm.


OP, look in dlc05\effects\outerspace. All the spacedome stuff is what you're asking for, I think.

Edited by Quetzlsacatanango
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