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A Glow Stick Weapon


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Hey, I have a son, me, and my wife had just received a free glow stick from an arts&crafts store.


We formed it into a ring and we walked home during the sunset. The glow stick ring glowed a bright orange color as we walked into our house.


I was wanting to know if anybody would make a glow stick weapon for Oblivion? It would have to be a decent sized ring for cutting and slicing.

Just a basic swing back and forth like a sword.


Here's what the picture looks like. http://www.mediafire.com/?szgv9nhv26aluva


I would like to have an aura built into it. The ring blade would have to be an Attk. of 78. I would like to be able to enchant the weapon at the Arcane University.


If you all would do this. I would be grateful!


Thank you,Adrian




Well, I guess coming here is a waste of time after all. Can't get what I need cuz nobody wants to do it. :dry:

Edited by Thunderwulf32
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