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Slingshot weapon model and textures


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I have a need of a slingshot model...I was looking at the "Art's and Crafts" mod on the nexus and saw a slingshot recipe, but no real model because the mod is only for crafting items to sell, I've now got this desire for a working slingshot weapon...No clue how to implement it, but it doesn't have to be a weapon if it's not possible, a simple slingshot model would work just fine so I can put it on display.
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Well.. i do know there's already something similar to a slingshot in the Files (note: in the game files.. Not ingame): The dart gun

It's a weapon from Fallout 3 that, as far as i know, isnt used in Fallout nv. But this doesnt mean you cant obtain the scematics or the gun. Using the player.additem command you can spawn the gun or the scematics.


But a mod to add an actual slingshot.. not sure. (simple net search didnt yield much results :( )

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Well, I know about the dart gun, but that's not a slingshot...it's a gun that fires darts...Though I'm sure parts of the model can be used to make a basis for a slingshot, like taking the toy car and tubing as a start for the upper part, all that would be left is a handle, but thats not really what I'm looking for...I was thinking more along the lines of the slingshots we all likely made as kids (and some probably still making them) with a simple Y shaped stick and a rubber band. Obviously it will have to be a bit more elaborate then that as this is Fallout and things that are that simple just aren't good.
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