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Looping a ImageSpaceModifier?


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Quick question how do I loop a ImageSpaceModifier?


I don't get what you mean. If you meant that you want the imagespace active on screen until you manually remove it you can set the duration as 0 (or a really high number. I haven't used it before so I can't tell. But setting it to 0 usually turns it on indefinitely) and then turn it off and on by using ApplyImageSpaceModifier and RemoveImageSpaceModifier commands.

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Copy that particular ImagespaceModifier and rename it to something else. Then modify the new object's duration to 0 or a large number.


Do the stuff as mentioned in my previous post. OR you could create a new Imagespace (not modifier) that mimics the modifier and then assign it to your interior.

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that wont work as the players time in the cell will vary from player to player and making a 1 hour + animation seems a very long winded way of doing it. Plus the modifier I'm using seems its meant to be looped so there has to be a way. Either there's a script command or its with timers but again timers seems a bit strange but at this point it looks like the most likely. I was just hoping there was an easier way but I guess not.
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