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Better npc outposts or bases


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First question, has this been done before? (obviously I know about AWOP, and fiendworld was pretty damn close to what I'm looking for.)


Secondly can it be done without crash issues? (and who's volunteering to help me on it?)


I've seen a few buildings in the geck that are three or so storys tall, with open windows etc, just waiting for snipers to be positioned, or to be filled with squatters or gangsters.. But I don't see these buildings in use in the game (FO3 had some sweet areas like this in the metro exterior or DC region).


I'm thinking areas like outside freeside could bee filled with dangerous streets with buildings that can actually have the top floors reached etc, with patrolling guards and stuff.


If anyone can point me towards something like this that I haven't seen yet either that'd be great.


I also have angel park And DFBs encounter mod.

Edited by adman85
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