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Male followers


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Hi everybody


im making a male follower request there is alot of female followers on nexus but not alot of male followers and most of them are not voiced acted etc im using itsuki atm but his voice is just teenage option using erik's dailogue which is good and all but erik sounds like a wimp :/



im basicly looking for a bijin type male follower that has a rough lok hard to explaine lol but doesnt look like there about 40-60 like most males usually do on here and for the dailogue to be that of a protective badass type guy. i know its a big ask and all but i think it would be a popular mod id make it but i dont have any male to voice act and im not good at modding -_-


thanks for any interest ^^

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True, there are loads of good male followers. Not too many that are custom voiced though. Inigo comes to mind... not exactly the type you're looking for eh? I suppose you've given 3DNPCs a spin - great voice acting, but I doubt you'll find the look or personality you're looking for. Darrow Greylock? I haven't used him yet, but he looks like fun. I might give him a go and check him out.


Skysight skins won't change the biggest issue with cookie cutter followers - voice types and lines. The custom voice is the big hurdle.

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there are good ones on nexus, even if is a few (with good custom voice + quest + depth) like inigo, still your request is valid, one thing, that could be might cool is make a mod that convert/genderbert some female to male. mijoll to mjonir and Aerin to Aeris for example. as it would make better use of some existent followers, instead of making custom ones.

Edited by TheBxushis
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lol, I could think of a few more filters for the follower section. Is "vapid eye candy" a valid filter? It should be. I'm all for eye candy, but if I'm going to be traveling in a dangerous land with someone, I wish they'd say something more than "What do you need?" or the ever popular "We've stopped."


haha I need coffee.

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lol yea that is the biggest problem


and the same dailogue for each and every dungeon as well which is fine if your randomly going from dungeon to dungeon but when on quests or you enter a dangerous dungeon i sit there going "really? are you seriously treating it the same as every other dungeon?" lol XD


just that more depth of a follower giving them personality and uniqueness is so good and needed to go up against other followers out there

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