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That's Im-pasta-bowl!


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In my Data\meshes\dungeons\caves\exterior folder, I have 2 sets of 12 files with the same names.










what? how? but! huh? why?


I realized because I am backing up my Data folder and windows prompted me with what to do with the duplicate. Why didn't it do that when it put the files in there in the first place? I'm not asking for help here, it's just that my whole belief system has been shattered by this fundamental rule of the compuniverse being violated. There cannot be 2 files with the same name in the same folder. Can there? :geek:


By the way, they're different sizes and dates.

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In the original bsa file, those have for some reason been saved with a space in front of the name. As soon as windows gets its grubby little hands on them, it will think the user is an idiot and made some silly mistake putting that space there, and "fix" this for you.
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In the original bsa file, those have for some reason been saved with a space in front of the name. As soon as windows gets its grubby little hands on them, it will think the user is an idiot and made some silly mistake putting that space there, and "fix" this for you.


oh good eye!


So no overwrite is intended with these?

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