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Categorized Favorites Menu for Nexusmods?


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So I was curious, if it would be at all be possible to have the option to set your "Tracking Centre" files across the Nexus mod pages to Categorized, depending on the category it falls under on the website. For instance, instead of searching through this amount of files:




I can simply just search through the category files as if I was searching the actual categorized files like the pages have already.


Yes I am aware there is a Search bar but sometimes through all 39 pages of mods I can't remember what it's called but I know what it's about, and that way I can look in the category which should narrow it down by A LOT.


Now I'm not suggesting this is how it should be changed overall, maybe just an option, under the "Manage Tracked Files" option?


Let me know what you guys think!

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