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Kids or No Kids?



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China is already implementing a one child policy and on the long term it will reduce their population, which is the goal of the Chinese government, but it has problems too, because the ratio of young people vs old is being tilted heavily towards the old and that puts a lot of strain on the society to support the elderly.
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China is already implementing a one child policy and on the long term it will reduce their population, which is the goal of the Chinese government, but it has problems too, because the ratio of young people vs old is being tilted heavily towards the old and that puts a lot of strain on the society to support the elderly.


i am aware of this, but the effect can allready be seen clearly by comparing india and china.

while china seems to rest on a steady 1,3 billion, india is allready racing past them at a staggering speed


the problem of an ageing population will (hopefully) only last while the generations "even out"

(as in, it will only be a "problem" as long as it is something new and unencountered. when it becomes normal, well, again, hopefully, it will be something we're used to dealing with)


remember, china as we know it has only existed for about 60 years



there is an inherent problem with the human species:

we think we know what we're doing, but we are in reality acting upon instinct, like any animal.

we seek computer games, because its fun, because our brains register the excitement of danger followed by survival (as most games try to portrait) as rewarding, etc etc etc, point is:

as a global population - we all KNOW that overpopulation is a problem

but still we differ between reality and "here and now",

and "here and now" people even in wealthy countries may sigh and want a 2nd kid, and a 3rd, and theyll go "awww i miss having a baby" and they get a 4th and a 5th, and thus, we are only getting more and more and more overpopulated.


this has been shown even in controlled experiments, if it wasnt allready obvious, that humans - as a collective - may _know_ the correct long-term approach - but will still disregard it instinctively, for a much more destructive and rash action - that is beneficial only in the shortest term.


in order words, we are just as doomed as everything else that has come and gone, on this planet. yay!

Edited by zegh8578
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So, you get to spend all your cash on traveling and other fun stuff instead of having to pay for the support of a family. Being childless has its advantages and all the parents will envy your freedom, but pity you for not having anyone to carry on your life´s work. After all who will inherit you if you have no children? In Finland if there are no children or close relatives, the state takes the inheritance 100%, do you want the state to have all your possessions after you die?
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So, you get to spend all your cash on traveling and other fun stuff instead of having to pay for the support of a family. Being childless has its advantages and all the parents will envy your freedom, but pity you for not having anyone to carry on your life´s work. After all who will inherit you if you have no children? In Finland if there are no children or close relatives, the state takes the inheritance 100%, do you want the state to have all your possessions after you die?


there wont be much to inherit...

an old computer, a mattress, a pile of comic books...


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But, what if you strike it rich and become a millionaire later in life? What will you do with your vast fortune when you are gone?


in that case, i guess i would donate to various shelters or something. they are desperate for money.

bigger organizations for bigger causes (world peace, cancer, etc) are good, but the smaller ones are much more hands-on.

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So there are good sides and bad sides to not having children. You get to do what you want and use your money on yourself, but you won´t have anyone to inherit you when you die and you will miss all the experiances that parents have with their kids, good or bad.
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